Help Every Hawk Fly.
Why Give
Your donation is what makes Tam High a top academic school and an extraordinary experience.
The Tam High Foundation relies on your donation to bridge state and local funding gaps to provide academic enrichment programs, technology, guest teachers, equity, and wellness for every student.
95% of Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) funding is spent on staff salaries, employment costs, and operations. Only 3% is used to cover the cost of books, supplies, and curriculum support.
tam high foundation BY THE NUMBERS
Our fundraising goal for 2024-2025
Students benefitted
$20 million+
Amount awarded since inception
Board members (with 11 additional Advisory Board members)
Average number of grant applications received each year
Endowment balance
Amount of students represented in donations
Amount Business Partners have donated over 3 years
We appreciate our
Business Partners
Supporting Tam Students Is Everyone's Business
gold-level donors